Union 2201 - 5 Lever Mortice Sash Lock

- 44.5mm Backset
- 57mm Backset
- Polished Brass
- Satin Chrome
- Handles not included
- For timber doors hinged on left or right
- To suit doors up to 54mm thick
- Latch bolt withdrawn by lever handle from either side
- Pierced to accept bolt through furniture
- Deadbolt locked or unlocked by key from either side
- May be keyed alike with 2101
- NB: Not suitable for master keying
- Security box striking plate
- Easily reversible latch bolt from outside of case
- Available with square forend and locking plate
- Case Size: 65mm (2.5") or 77.5mm (3")
- Case: Steel, red powder coat
- Deadbolt: Brass, with hardened steel rollers
- Latch Bolt: Brass, easily reversible
- Follower: Brass, 8mm square
- Rebate Kit: 2989 (13, 19 or 25mm sizes)
- Keying Groups: May be supplied to pass or differ.
- Keying: 600 standard differs (keys are not numbered for security purposes)
- 2 keys supplied (extra keys £6 each)
£119 including parts,
including labour & including VAT!

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